Although most applicants into higher institution prefer university to polytechnics, lately, many of them are also applying to the latter, especially federal polytechnics, primarily as a plan B i…
Read moreThe big dream of most Entrepreneurs is to have their own business one day; let’s discuss how to start a business in Nigeria — Africa’s largest economy. Having your own business is nice because y…
Read moreNigeria is the most populous black nation in the world and the self-proclaimed giant of Africa. Beyond this lies poverty and massive unemployment ravaging the black nation. One begins to wonder …
Read moreThere is a saying that “poverty is a state of the mind” and I quite agree with that. If you are not born into wealth or you have no riches to inherit, being poor or reach depends on your mindset…
Read moreThere are a number of top international passenger airlines in Nigeria with good and trusted services; let’s discuss the international airlines in Nigeria. If you want to book a flight with any o…
Read moreThryonomys Swinderianus commonly known as grasscutter comes from the rodent family and are very adaptable to most tropical vegetations; let’s discuss grasscutter farming in Nigeria! Grasscutter…
Read moreMouka is a soft, comfortable and durable mattress;here is all you need to know about Mouka Foam price and branch office. The mattress is among the very few in the market today that do not lose i…
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