Schools Offering Student Loans in Europe

Getting a university degree abroad can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. However, it also requires a significant financial investment. If you’re looking into studying in Europe but worried about costs, don’t despair. Many top schools offer student loans and other financial aid options to help make your education possible and affordable.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of some excellent universities that can help finance your education through loans. We’ll also answer some common questions about applying.

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Schools Offering Student Loans in Europe

Here is a list of 10 top European universities that offer various types of student loans:

1. University of Cambridge (UK)

Cambridge provides low-interest loans as part of their financial support package. Most loans do not require repayment if the degree is completed on time.

2. University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

UvA has loans of up to €650 per month available through their Student Finance department for EU/EEA students in need.

3. LSE (London School of Economics, UK)

LSE’s Financial Support Scheme includes grants and lower interest rate loans for both international and domestic students facing financial hardship.

4. University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Heidelberg provides €500-€800 need-based monthly grants. Additional loans may also be possible through Germany’s national BAföG program.

5. Sciences Po (France)

In addition to French/EU aid info, Sciences Po has direct funding through partnerships and international fellowships for the best applicants.

6. Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)

Humboldt offers a low interest (0.95%) short-term €7,500 “bridge” loan to cover costs until larger loans finalize.

7. Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Grants up to €10,000 yearly are available for international students facing financial difficulties like currency devaluation impacts.

8. Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)

Delft provides interest-free €650 monthly loans for urgent costs like relocation or family expenses encountered during studies.

9. University of Oxford (UK)

Oxford’s Bursary program covers tuition and living costs through need-based support, with no repayment until post-graduation income thresholds are met.

10. Grenoble Institute of Technology (France)

Known as INP Grenoble, it participates in the French social security loan program providing grants and interest subsidies to qualifying international students.

Student Loans Application Process

Now that you’re familiar with loan options, here is a typical application process:

  1. Research eligibility requirements like nationality, academic performance, and being officially admitted to the university first.
  2. Complete the university’s financial aid or scholarship application form, providing documentation of expenses, income, assets, transcripts.
  3. Deadlines are usually in January-March for the following academic year, but it varies – check websites!
  4. Notifications are sent 4-8 weeks after the deadline regarding your funding package – mix of grants, loans, work programs may be offered.
  5. Accept offers by their deadline, and complete promissory notes for loans. Loans disbursement in increments matching tuition/housing schedules.

Some tips: apply early, provide thorough paperwork, and check if external local loans also exist to maximize your aid!

Comparing Loan Terms

Let’s compare common loan terms across different European universities:

SchoolInterest RateRepayment WindowGrace Period
University of Amsterdam0%Within 1 year of graduation or dropping out6 months post-graduation
University of Cambridge2-3%10 years post-graduation6 months
LSE5-10%5-10 years post-graduation9 months
University of Heidelberg0% for grants
BAföG 1%
BAföG is 15 years maxNot applicable

Terms can vary so always check school policies, but repayment periods are usually quite reasonable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How much can I typically borrow from student loans?

Loan amounts depend on your estimated costs of attendance, other financial aid received, and repayment plans. Most European loans range from €500-€10,000 per year.

Q2. What are European student loan interest rates?

Rates are usually quite low, between 0-5%. Some schools even offer 0% interest grants or loans. National programs like BAföG in Germany cap rates at 1%.

Q3. When do I start repaying my loans?

Most loans offer a 6-9 month grace period after graduating before payments begin. Some UK loans like Cambridge continue all education if completed on time.

Q4. Can I get loans if I’m not a citizen of the country?

Yes, many schools provide loans to both domestic and international students as long as they meet their general admissions requirements. Citizenship alone does not restrict aid eligibility.

Q5. Will my family income affect my loan amount?

Some need-based grants and loans consider your family’s financial strength during the application process to award higher amounts to those most in need. But loans are often also available regardless of income.


In conclusion, I hope this article has shed some light on the available option of student loans for financing your university education at top schools across Europe. While funds are never limitless, seeking out all available avenues of assistance early on can make all the difference in making your academic dreams attainable.

Always start by checking your school of choice for any funds they directly offer. Then explore if your home country or state provides additional options to layer support. National programs throughout Europe often assist citizens studying abroad as well. There are also occasionally international scholarships outsider organizations award for unique backgrounds.

Have patience through application cycles as awards are competitive. Present your candidacy and situation thoroughly with well-organized documentation. Communicate proactively too if you need deadline extensions or have new expenses arise later on. Financial aid offices aim to invest in students and see them succeed, so have faith.

Most of all, do not get discouraged by any initial rejections. With persistence, creativity and utilizing school advisors as resources, a financing solution is out there. Many first-generation or low-income college attendees prove this every semester. We wish you the best!

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