If you want to learn the history of SIWES inNigeria, you have come to the right page.
The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme(SIWES) was established by the Industrial Training Funds in 1993 to solve theinadequate availability of skills for employment of graduates by NigerianIndustries. SIWES was founded as a skill training program to prepare studentsof the higher institution for life in the corporate world after graduation.
This training program serves as a transitiontool from the lecture room to the workforce, and it also helps in theapplication of knowledge. It also gives students the experience needed in the managementand handling of machinery and equipment not available in their institutions.
The Background
Taking you back to the history of SIWES, Before the establishment of this training program, there was a deep concern for higher institution graduates that lacked a practical background for employment. The ITF made a decision that helps all Nigerian students with the establishment of SIWES. It was approved by the Federal Government in 1974.
The program was funded by the ITF, but the bodywithdrew from the program in 1978, when the government handed over SIWESmanagement to the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the National Boardfor Technical Education (NBTE) in 1979. The management was later returned toITF in November 1984, and in 1985, the Federal Government became its solefunder and the ITF its sole manager.
SIWES is a scheme that lasts sixteen weeks (4months). It is done after the first year in polytechnics (ND1), and after the secondor third year in universities, depending on your specific institution.
What Are the General Objectives of SIWES?
SIWES is designed for skill acquisition in abid prepare and expose students of higher institutions to real-life worksituations which they would be exposed to upon graduation. Therefore, SIWES isa crucial factor required to inject and help keep alive industrialization andeconomic development in the nation through the introduction and practicalteaching of scientific and technological skills to students.
Objectives of the Students Industrial WorkExperience Scheme include the following:
- The program provides an avenue for students to acquire industrial skills for experience during their course of study.
- It exposes students to work methods and techniques that may not be available during their course of study.
- Bridging the gap between theory and practice by providing a platform to apply knowledge learnt in school to real work situations.
- Enabling the easier and smoother transition from school by equipping students with better contact for future work placement.
- Introduce students to a real work atmosphere so that they know what they would most likely meet once they graduate.
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Organisations Involved in the Management of SIWES Programand Their Roles
The Federal Government, the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), the Supervising Agency, National Universities Commission, NUC, employers of labour, and Institutions all have specific roles to play in the management of SIWES. These roles are outlined below:
The Federal Government
- Provisionof adequate funds to the ITF through the Federal Ministry of Industry for the scheme;
- Makingit mandatory for all ministries, companies, and parastatals to offer places tostudents in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 47 of 1971 as amendedin 1990;
- Formulation of policies guiding the running ofthe scheme nationally.
The Industrial Training Fund (ITF).
- Formulatingpolicies and guidelines on SIWES for distribution to all the SIWESparticipating bodies;
- Providinglogistic material needed to administer the scheme;
- Organizingorientation programs for students prior to attachment;
- Providinginformation on companies for attachment and assisting in the industrialplacement of students;
- Supervisingstudents on industrial attachment;
- Accepting and processing master and placementlists from institutions and supervising agencies;
- Vettingand processing students’ logbooks and ITF Form 8.
The Supervisory Agencies (NUC, NABTEB, etc)
- Ensuringthe establishment and accreditation of SIWES unit/Directorate in institutionsunder their jurisdiction;
- Vettingand approving Master and Placement lists of students from participatinginstitution and forward same to ITF;
- FundingSIWES Directorate adequately in participating institutions;
- Directingfor the appointment of full-time SIWES Coordinator/Director;
- Reviewingprograms qualified from SIWES regularly;
- Participatingin the Biennial SIWES conferences and seminars in conjunction with the ITF.
Wrapping up with this history of SIWES, it was founded by the ITF in 1993 for solving the inadequate availability of skills for employment of graduates in Nigerian industries. The scheme was created as a skill training program to prepare students of higher institutions for life in the corporate world after graduation.
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